Engaging Influencers and KOLs

Monitor tweets relevant to your niche and NFTs in general and create a table of profiles of small and medium KOLs and influencers.

For monitoring, I recommend Tweetdeck (now part of X.com premium), which allows you to set multiple tabs in the same window with different topics, profiles, search results, etc.

Just look for anyone who talks about NFTs and has fewer than 5K followers. Find all these recently active KOLs and influencers with fewer than 5K followers. Before you write down a new candidate, check their reach. That means how many impressions their recent tweets have. If it is below 500, move on to the next candidate.Make sure they have open DMs.

After you create a list of 100 candidates, prepare two short messages for A/B testing. Remember: you have 3-4 seconds. If you don’t make it in that time, you lost them.

Explain your product and brand as simply and quickly as possible. Include a sneak peek of the art.

Offer them an ambassador role in exchange for a guaranteed whitelist spot or even a freemint spot (if you have any). Consider other rewards. In some cases, consider crypto cash rewards if they have really good reach and you have the budget.

Your goal is to build a network of these ambassadors.