Prepare a Content Calendar

The more tweets you prepare, the more strategic they will be, which is a good thing. Every minute spent brainstorming those tweets will pay off! It forces you to think strategically.

How do you create such a comprehensive calendar? Start with your whitepaper. If you have this document, it should explain everything about your product in detail. Simply follow the whitepaper and outline all the topics it covers (such as storytelling, art, utilities, team, etc.). Then, prepare each tweet based on that content, and don’t forget to apply the AI brand_template you created.

Track how often each topic is represented in your calendar (how many tweets) to maintain balance. Start by explaining your product and brand in depth. Then, incorporate your affinity playβ€”storytelling. Tell your stories; that’s the core.

After that, you can add other, less important topics that will help you achieve your other goals.